Kelab FLB Pro

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Relative Risks of Bungee Jumping, Skydiving and Ballooning

• Skydiving, bungee jumping, and the balloon is a challenging sport, adventure sport and all contain some risk.
Factors that influence risk, including equipment, landings, weather and medical conditions first. Because many factors that affect risk and the variables, it is difficult, if it is not impossible, to calculate the risks involved.
Equipment Failure
• A common concern in the adventure sports equipment. However, equipment failure rarely causes death of skydiving. Of course, there are times when a parachute does not open, but skydivers should use the proposed parachute. After the two parachutes failed to open is very dangerous.
According to the coach at the website Bungee Jumper, critical injuries and deaths bungee-parties are generally the result of the equipment is not maintained or incorrect cable length calculations.
While hot air balloons seem to be a safe alternative, there are certain risks associated with the equipment as well. Overfilling propane tank can cause a fire if the balloon in the air. Landing Injuries
• Skydivers runs the risk of sprains, dislocations, broken arms or legs, and swollen and bruised for a rough landing. While these injuries are not fatal, to pay to be very careful when landing.
While one cable length calculation is a factor in a bungee jumping accident, another death occurred when the foot slips out of use altogether.
Balloon accident is usually the result of collisions with electric wires or the ground. The impact can cause a broken bone or muscle sprain. Effect of Climate
• sudden shift of wind or the causes of death in skydiving. Strong winds can sweep you away and cause you to crash.
Wind is also a factor for the bungee jumper. If the wind blows so strong it can be wired to a nearby stone bridge or a tree, jumping provider will cancel the jump.
Most of the hot air balloon accidents related to weather. Balonis must obtain permission from the airport before departure, but sometimes the wind and rain can blow with a quick and unexpected, blow the balloon off course. Flying Adventures Texas owner does not recommend flying in the days of "rain, fog, low clouds, or the day after a powerful thunderstorm, because the land may be too muddy for landing.
Medical Complications
• The coaches noticed that not a sport skydiving Skydiving Safe physically exhausting, but it does require a little dish of physical fitness. "People with heart disease, fever, osteoporosis and similar diseases should think twice before parachuting and do it only after consulting with the experts first skydiving jump can be quite stressful so you should be in good mental health as well .."
Bungee jumping also presents the risk of medical complications. One of the special risks for women is a prolapsed uterus. The speed and pressure of the bungee jumping can cause the uterus to the end and, in some cases, slide out of position and even out of the body itself. Eye trauma is a serious health risk caused by the pressure of jumping bungee jumping. Dislocations, bruises and superficial bruises are common injuries caused by bungee cord itself.
If you have a medical condition, you should check with your doctor before booking a hot air balloon rises. Since the balloon ride can last more than four hours, you have to take medication as needed at each course. Pregnant women are advised by the company at least for the balloon ride hot air balloon.

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