Kelab FLB Pro

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Parachuting Or Skydiving For You?

If you have a hard time understanding exactly what people mean when they talk about "skydiving", here are some simple explanations that will help you.
There are a number of extreme sports that involve jumping from a plane, such as base jumping, parachuting and skydiving.
Is there a difference between them? Parachuting and skydiving both mean that the person who jumps from the airplane (from thousands of feet in the sky) with a deployed parachute that allows them to slow their descent and land on the ground safely.
The sport of parachuting, however, is designed so that the parachute opens almost immediately after the jumper leaves the plane, so that the entire descent is a gradual drift downwards with the parachute slowing the descent.
Skydiving is different in that the jumper leaves the plane and goes into a free fall for a while before deploying the parachute. This is more exciting than slowly drifting down, and this excitement is what attracts many people to the sport.
Hearing this description would make people think that skydiving is more dangerous than parachuting, but this is not necessarily so.
There are many safety measures in place that make sure that the parachute will open for skydivers when the time is right, so there is no more danger than there is in parachuting.
Many people make hundreds of jumps in both sports over their lifetimes.
Both parachuting and skydiving are fairly expensive sports, so there is not a lot of difference between the two when it comes to the investment involved. They both involve buying specialized (and expensive) equipment, unless you opt to rent in the beginning.
This would involve goggles, a helmet and a specially fitted jumpsuit. And of course, they both involve hiring a plane and pilot to take you up into the wild blue yonder. You will also need to hire an instructor from a skydiving school until you have learned to jump by yourself.
Learning skydiving with an instructor is very important, and no skydiving school would ever allow a new diver to take the plunge on his own.
Besides making the experience safer, they will make it more enjoyable by taking many of the elements of risk away that make many people nervous to try this sport.
First time instruction usually involves tandem jumping with an instructor to learn the ropes.
After you have done a tandem jump with an instructor and gotten over the initial fright, you will find skydiving one of the most fun and exciting sports you have ever encountered. There is no doubt that you will get hooked and find out for yourself what skydiving is all about.

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The extreme sport of kitesurfing, parachuting and skydiving

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Prepare For Tandem Skydiving

Skydiving is a thing that frequently seen on television and movies, and while it looks fun, many people are too scared to do it. Going alone takes a lot of training and money, but many places offer tandem skydiving, where a trained professional has control of the whole jump and you just enjoy the ride down


Scout the area that the skydiving takes place. On any given day you can see a lot of the jumps be performed, the process that goes through them and what it will be like to jump. Remember that the professionals you will be attached to have over a hundred jumps and can do this like we do laundry, so it is nothing new to them.

When doing tandem skydiving, there are no elaborate training processes to go through. Just simply arrive at your scheduled time and they will set you up. Do not wear too loose of clothing or shoes, but basically you can wear anything that will make you comfortable.

Once it is time for your jump, you will put on a harness over your normal clothes. The harness consists of many straps and clips to attach your tandem jumper and the parachute. It goes over your shoulders, around your waist, and around your thighs. It may take a little bit to get used to at first, but is comfortable to walk-in.

Now, you meet your instructors. They will tell you their history in skydiving, and having spewing a few safety facts and figures, will tell you to have no worries about the trip. This step will make you more confident about the jump.

Before getting onto the plane, you will learn about the banana pose. To avoid having a rough jump, you just need to remember the word banana. To perform this shape when skydiving, simply arch your head up and your feet back to make the shape of a banana. Every jump starts out with your hands across your chest and then after falling they can be spread out even further.

When getting onto the plane, you will be seated right in front of your jumper. As the plane makes its way up to the jumping spot, your instructor will begin attaching himself to your harness. At this point, you just need to sit, relax, and enjoy the view, as your landing spot gets smaller and smaller.

Once the plane is at the proper elevation to jump, the side door opens and your slowly move towards the door. Then you cross your arms at your chest and curl your feet underneath the plane. From there it nothing but you and the ground and your instructor will pull you out of the plane to let the freefall begin

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Parachuting: The Skydiver's Handbook, 10th Edition

Adrenaline Rush (IMAX) (2 - Disc WMVHD Edition)